A successful candidate must hold a degree in Fine Arts or Cultural Management, as well as be a confirmed and recognised expert in the area of modern and contemporary art. Furthermore, he must have experience in a similar position, either in a major museum or have managed an arts centre or a modern and contemporary arts museum. He must be bilingual (French, English). Knowledge of Luxembourgish or German shall be considered an asset.
Job description
-Administrative management of the museum and implementation of the decisions of the Board of directors
-Artistic direction of the Museum
-Personnel management
-Responsibility for programming and the budget
The beginning of the contract is foreseen for January 2009. The contract duration shall be 5 years, renewable. The salary shall be commensurate with the responsibility of the task and the required competences. Furthermore, it shall depend on previously acquired experience.
Cover letters, along with a detailed CV and a cultural project, shall be sent to the following address before the 16th June 2008:
À l'attention personnelle du
Président de la Fondation Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean
3, Park Dräi Eechelen
L-1499 Luxembourg
Tel. +352 45 37 85 428
Mail: president@mudam.lu
Website : www.mudam.lu