Accueil > Nos rendez-vous > SALON D’AUTOMNE 2010


Opening night, 10 November 2009 at 7:00 PM

Over 15 000 visitors expected, 450 contemporary artists and a multidisciplinary program

BARONI Monique La Gitane (The Gipsy), 100 x 150

Once again a gust of fresh air will blow through the Salon d’Automne. The arts fraternity will have everyone see and hear all of its diversity around a hommage to the posthumous godfather of this 2010 edition, Laurent Terzieff. As every year since its creation, the fair defends the freedom of various modes of expression, whether visual, poetic or musical.

POUCHOUS Jean-Bernard
Drop la rose

Painters, printers, sculptors…

With its unequaled base of over 450 visual artists from all over France and elsewhere, the Salon d’Automne promotes artists who work throughout the field of contemporary creation. The painters, printers, sculptors, photographers, architects, artists and decorators will be joined by poets, composers, musicians, actors, publishing artists and movie directors. There will be concerts (from Moussorgsky to contemporary creation), poetry recitals (by Robin Renucci or Michael Lonsdale), in partnership with the Printemps des poètes, and live shows. Freedom of speech will manifest itself through conferences and debates in which visual artists will discuss their situation and their status as artists that is contested much too often.

An international vocation

The Salon and in its Manifesto, published in 2008, strongly defend this freedom and criticize «State-backed pomposity»… For decades, the lack of equality in the sharing of public subsidies has favored a certain «contemporary art» to the detriment of the country's other much larger artistic community, one that also claims, and rightly so, its status of contemporanity. The creed of the Salon is the freedom of artists from all over the world to meet and exchange, share, and experience together the great celebration of art. More than ever it confirms its international vocation through the dynamic presence of foreign delegations, that of the very important Arab one, that of the Chinese representation, including artists from Ukrania, from Mexico, Japan, Brazil… More than thirty countries are represented at the Salon d’Automne.

Tomorrow, America

Ever since its creation in 1903, the Salon d’Automne, which has «presented» works by Gauguin, Matisse, Modigliani, Despiau or Bernard Buffet, has also constantly welcomed foreign artists. After 1970 it reached out to the Japanese public and then settled in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia), where its artists expose since 2005. It had a remarkable participation in the Art and Literature biennale in Cairo in 2008, and then launched a real bridge to the artistic community of the near and Middle East. This opening to the world is meant to broaden: after the big celebration foreseen in Moscow in December 2010 (event supported by CulturesFrance), the Salon d'Automne will move for the first time in its history to the North-American continent, more precisely to Indianapolis, in September 2012.

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ESPACE CHAMPERRET 6 rue Oestreicher 75017 Paris
OPENING HOURS: Every day from 11 AM to 7 PM.
RATES: Full rate : 10 €; reduced rate : 6 €; "pass Salon" : 30 €
PRESS CONTACT: Benjamin Loustau
Tel: 01 43 59 46 07 / 06 01 99 73 32